Center of
Mass Versus Tail-end Motion, and Instantaneous Versus Average Velocity
By Dr. Gregory S. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Physics (April 11, 2007)
Many people who
support the notion that airplanes did not collide with the WTC towers
erroneously apply physics to substantiate their claim. The following letter
attempts to clarify the difference between the ‘airplane deceleration’ (which
can only be well described by the center of mass motion) versus tail
deceleration. The concept of average versus instantaneous velocity is also
highlighted. I use the airplane impact analysis published by NIST in NCSTAR1-2
and NCSTAR1-2B to vividly illustrate these concepts, and show that NIST clearly
reports a 70% decrease in velocity just after the tail section passes through
the outer wall, not 0% as alleged by Morgan Reynolds3 and others, representing
a net loss in kinetic energy of 91%